PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal is a tool integrated into the PowerSchool Student Information System and specifically developed for parents and students. The PowerSchool Student and Parent portal gives parents, guardians, and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades, detailed assignment descriptions, and school bulletins.
Step 1 - Go to the Parent PowerSchool Link: https://portlandct.powerschool.com/public
If you have not already set up your account in PowerSchool, you will need to follow Steps 2, 3, 4, 5
Step 2 - Click “Forgot Username or Password” (For the initial reset of your password, you will need to use a computer, not the mobile app)
Step 3 - Enter your username and email address on the Recover Account Sign-In Information Page.
The username is the first part of the email address before the @ symbol that we have on file for each parent.
**You will receive an email from PowerSchool with a link to reset your password - The password must be reset within 24 hours of receiving the email from PowerSchool. If you do not receive an email from PowerSchool after checking your inbox and SPAM folder, please contact the main office of the child’s school.
Step 4 - Please log into the Parent Portal and click Forms on the left-hand side.
On the General Forms Tab - please complete Update Student Forms - Portland Schools.
You can view information for each child under one log-in by clicking their names under the PowerSchool Logo.
Forms must be completed for each child. The system will not update contacts or acknowledgments for each child if they are not complete for each child.
PowerSchool Mobile App
The PowerSchool Mobile App gives parents and students instant access to information they need to stay up-to-date on student grades, performance, and attendance.
To sign in, you will need our district code: ZXQW
Receive real-time push notifications with updates about grades, scores, attendance, assignments, teacher comments, daily bulletins, and schedules
Access all of your children in one portal
View grades, assignments, attendance, GPA, and more
View announcements from schools
For assistance in activating a PowerSchool Parent Portal account please contact your child's school:
Valley View School - 860-342-3131
Gildersleeve School - 860-342-0411
Brownstone Intermediate School - 860-342-6765
Portland Middle School - 860-342-1880
Portland High School - 860-342-1720