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Multilingual/English Learners

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The mission of the Multilingual Learner Program is to provide English language support and instruction across all academic areas, ensuring equitable access to high-quality teaching and learning.


Portland School District provides Multilingual Learner Support to over 50 students speaking 8 different languages across 5 schools, or about 4% of the school population.

Julie McGovern

TESOL - Teacher of Multilingual/English Learners Portland Schools


Office Hours:

Valley View School - T, Th - 11:45-1:45

Gildersleeve School - T, Th 2:00-3:25; W, F 12:15-3:25

Brownstone Intermediate School - M 8:15-3:25; W, F 8:15-12:00

Portland Middle and High School - T, Th 8:15-11:45

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