歡迎來到Valley View的早期學前班計劃!

PreK Registration Information,
Please email Cynthia Myrick at cmyrick@portlandct.us

The Early Learning Preschool Program is part of the Portland Public School System and serves preschool children with special needs and selected peer role models in an inclusive setting. Our preschool provides a social learning environment that nurtures the whole child and supports young children’s natural curiosity to learn through literacy, art, music, hands-on science, and the exploration of mathematical concepts, supported by play-based experiences in a language-rich environment. The curriculum is aligned to the CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CTELDS) birth to age 5.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, please contact the school to make an appointment to attend a screening. Screenings are held on the last Friday of each month. During the screening, your child will participate in a variety of activities that look at critical predictors of school success including physical development, language, academic, self-help, and social-emotional skills. While your child is participating in the screening process, parents meet with our school social worker outside of the classroom. Screenings typically take about 45 minutes and are conducted by our preschool team. The preschool team includes the Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, an Occupational Therapist, a Physical Therapist, a School Psychologist, and a Speech and Language Pathologist.
The screenings are a part of Child Find, which is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that requires states to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities who are in need of early intervention or special education.
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please call 860-342-3131 to set up an appointment for your child to participate in a screening. Children must be at least 2 years and 10 months old to participate in the screening process.
Peer Model Lottery
In order to be considered as a peer model for our Early Learning Preschool Program, you must call the school and schedule a time to attend a preschool screening to be considered for the following year. Peer Model screenings are in the Spring. Please be aware that your child must be at least 2.10 years in order to participate in the screening. If your child does not meet the criteria on the day of the screening but will be three by the time school starts, please contact the school for special arrangements.
Please call the school for a time slot as they fill up quickly.
Requirements for Peer Model:
Portland resident
Attend our Peer Model Screening (must be at least 2.10 years old to participate in the screening)
Children must be at least three years old at the start of the program
Children who will be age-eligible for Kindergarten are not eligible for the Early
Learning Preschool Program
Provide a recent physical and current immunization
Must provide proof of the flu vaccine given between August 1 - December 31 of that school year.
Parents of peer model students must provide transportation
Peer models must be toilet trained.
Parents will receive a written letter stating whether or not their child received a placement in one of the preschool classes by June. Parents must confirm their acceptance by contacting the school and completing registration.
If you are selected to attend the Early Learning Preschool Program, you will need to pick up a registration packet from Valley View. Please complete the packet and return it to Valley View School. Please be aware that you will need proof of residency (mortgage, rent agreement, current utility bill…), driver’s license/photo ID, child’s birth certificate, guardianship papers if applicable, and an updated physical/immunization record.
Please do not complete a registration packet unless you were selected to attend the preschool program.
Do not register for preschool online. If you have questions, please call 860-342-3131. Online registration is for grades K – 12 only.