Escuelas Públicas de Portland
Conectando a los estudiantes con el éxito

To register a student with Portland Public Schools, please email the registrar below with the following information:
Child's Full Name
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Parent's Name
Valley View School:
PreK - Cynthia Myrick -
Kindergarten (School Year 2024-2025) - Peggy Gross -
Kindergarten (School Year 2025-2026) - - Children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2025
Valley View School, Gildersleeve School, and Brownstone Intermediate School - Grade Levels: 1 - 6 - Maritsa Ellam -
Middle and High School - Grade Levels: 7 -12 - Kim Fiorino -
Further registration information will be provided once you contact the school.
Registro de nuevo estudiante
S i planea inscribir a su hijo en una escuela magnet, aún DEBE inscribirse en las Escuelas Públicas de Portland .